Self-esteem If you have low self-esteem, you may view life in a negative way which makes things seem hopeless or pointless. You might think you are worthless, and that other people are better than you. You may have difficulty saying what you really feel, or you may lack the confidence to be assertive. As a result, you may feel that people take advantage of you and treat you badly. Therapy can help you explore the way you feel and change your view of yourself and others.
The BACP. (2018). What therapy can help with . Available: Last accessed 18th November 2018.
What we think about ourselves goes a long way to how others experience us. You may have never felt valued in your life but how can people value you, respect you or even like you if you don't even like yourself?
Talking to a counsellor can empower you and help you see how great you really are and change the reflection you see in the mirror.
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